USA Cycling CEU Policy for Coaches
For renewal information, please visit the Renewal Procedures page.
Please review the CEU policies. When you take out the coaching license application, you are agreeing to abide by the CEU policy.
While one must renew the coaching license annually, CEUs (and the criminal background check) are required every other year in order to renew. For the 2012 renewal period, the CEU and criminal background check requirements are being severed. Some people will have CEUs due at a different time (although always at the renewal period) from when the criminal background check is due. If a person's criminal background check expires during a license year, the coaching license will be suspended and all privileges will be revoked until the background check is re-instated. USA Cycling will post and email the expiration dates for criminal background checks.
Each coach is responsible for maintaining a record of his/her own CEU records. While USA Cycling may have a record of who has attended USAC sponsored events, USAC has no way of knowing what activities a coach has attended outside of USAC sponsored events. If a coach pays for the event through the MYUSACYCLING function, the coach should be able to view his/her account details to see a listing. Remider: Activities that a coach normally does as part of coaching (leading rides, being at training, talking with athletes) do not constitute continuing education.
Coaches also earn CEUs for earning the level 3 certification as well as attending level 2 and level 1 certification clinics. Many coaches forget to count USAC certifications as CEUs.
Click here to read the USA Cycling continuing education policy for 2012 renewals.
Click here to read the USA Cycling continuing education policy for 2012.
A major change going into effect for 2012 will be a change in the valuation system for CEUs. Previously, USA Cycling counted a contact hour as 0.1 CEU; beginning with 2011, 1 contact hour will count 1.0 CEU (in general, USA Cycling reserves the right to value an activity as it sees fit). This also means that 40 CEUs will be required instead of 4.0 CEUs. (In essence, there is no change just in how the values are reported).
In addition to attending seminars offered by USA Cycling, USA Cycling approves many seminars and clinics for CEU credit offered by third parties. If you are interested in attending a conference or presentation and wish to inquire about possible USAC CEUs, please email the Coaching Education Manager with an agenda or a link to the agenda and information about the conference or presentation. USA Cycling maintains a list of approved courses; this list is not exhaustive. It merely reflects the activities that have been submitted to USA Cycling. If you do not see an event there, it does not mean that is has no CEU value. Most likely it just has not been submitted for prior approval. The list of courses can be found on the Approved CEU Programs page.
CEUs can also be earned via The Gatorade Sport Science website, click on Continuing Education.
CEUs can also be earned through the Performance Conditioning for Cyclists newsletter that all coaches receive. Each Performance Conditioning self test is worth 1.0 CEU and the CEU is granted for the year in which it is received at the USAC offices. The exception to the last section is that if you are renewing and your CEUs are due; if you send in the self- tests with the CEU Summary Report form and other renewal materials, the self-tests will count for the period necessary for renewal. Example: if your CEUs are due to renew for 2011 and you are 0.5 CEU short as of December 31, 2010, you can send in five (5) self-tests (and the requisite fees) with the renewal paperwork in January 2011 and the self-tests will count. The exception is that the online self-tests must count in the calendar year they are received.
Some other changes related to the Performance Conditioning self-tests:
Effective January 1, 2010 if you send in the self-tests the fee will be $25 per self-test.
Effective January 1, 2010 if you pay for the self-test online and take the electronic version, your fee will be $15 per test. The value for the online tests beginning January 1, 2010 will drop to 1.0 CEU (the same as the mail in version). Basically, the bonus is being removed.
Effective January 1, 2012 USA Cycling will no longer accept the mailed in self-tests from Performance Conditioning Cycling. Only the online versions will be accepted. Self-tests from prior to the first online exam will not be accepted. Effective January 1, 2012 no hard copy versions will be accepted.
This Article Published March 23, 2011 For more information contact: