USA Cycling National Technical Commission Rules & Procedures
NTC Members Conduct
- All members of the NTC are expected to provide meaningful contributions and efforts to accomplish the tasks of the NTC.
- All discussions and debates of the NTC are confidential and only to be discussed by and amongst NTC members. Treat the NTC like a race commission, vigorous debates within the commission, and then only the Chair, or his/her designate, will speak on behalf of the NTC. After the vote, everyone lines up behind the decision. Of course, decisions can be revisited if appropriate, but only inside the NTC.
- All members of the NTC are expected to fully engage in discussions without reservation or fear of reprisals from any source. This is only possible if the discussions are kept confidential, which is critical to the success of the NTC.
- All members of the NTC shall disclose to the Chair and Vice-Chair any potential conflicts of interest regarding any topic that comes before the NTC. Should an actual conflict of interest exist as determined by the Chair or by the member, the member should abstain from voting on that topic of business, unless abstention is not practical for conducting business and is agreed to by the Chair. As used here, conflict of interest shall not include assignments.
NTC Business Conduct
- A quorum is required to vote on any NTC business matters and to hold elections. A quorum shall consist of at least a two-thirds (2/3) majority of all the NTC members. In the case of committees, a quorum shall be a majority of the committee members.
- Members may attend any meeting electronically if they can hear and be heard during all discussions. Any members attending electronically may vote and shall be considered present for voting and quorum purposes. Voting during a meeting may only take place if actual notice of the time and place of the meeting was given to each member of the NTC.
- All decisions of the NTC and its committees are to be made by a majority vote of the members of the NTC or the respective committees who are present. Vote counts are confidential and not to be disclosed outside the NTC, however committee votes and dissenting opinions within a committee may be considered by the entire NTC when reviewing a report or recommendation of a committee.
- Proxies will not be permitted due to the deliberative nature of the NTC.
- All work product/recommendations from any committee shall be provided in writing to the Chair and Vice-Chair and made available to the full NTC. Committee work product/recommendations may also be presented by the committee directly to USAC staff if and only if authorized by the Chair. Recommendations from committees may only be adopted by a majority vote of the members of the NTC pursuant to sections 2.a-d. above.
- The Chair may be a non-voting member of any committee.
- The Vice-Chair may be a regular member of any committee, unless acting as the NTC Chair, when he/she will then be considered a non-voting member.
- All communications sent to the Chair shall also be copied to the Vice-Chair, as appropriate. Keep the Vice-Chair in the loop on all business matters.
NTC Management & Elections
NTC members to elect a Chair and a Vice-Chair as the last agenda item of the annual meeting if that meeting is near the end of the year, or if that meeting does not take place near the end of the year, then a meeting by phone conference shall be scheduled to elect the Chair and Vice-Chair as soon as practical after the first of the year. Should a quorum not be present, the elections should be rescheduled as soon as practical for a time when a quorum can be present.
- Nominations may be made up to the time of the vote.
- Elections determined by a simple majority of the NTC members present (either by phone or in person).
- The terms of the Chair and Vice-Chair will be for one year with no term limits. Terms to commence on January 1, and end on December 31 or when successors have been elected, whichever is later.
- The Chair and/or Vice-Chair may be removed from office at any time by a vote of at least two-thirds of the NTC members.
- Should the Chair be unable to complete his/her term, the Vice-Chair shall assume the Chair for the balance of the term. Should both the Chair and Vice-Chair be unable to complete their terms, elections shall be held as soon as possible. These elections shall be conducted by the longest-tenured member of the NTC.
NTC members to elect a Chair and a Vice-Chair as the last agenda item of the annual meeting if that meeting is near the end of the year, or if that meeting does not take place near the end of the year, then a meeting by phone conference shall be scheduled to elect the Chair and Vice-Chair as soon as practical after the first of the year. Should a quorum not be present, the elections should be rescheduled as soon as practical for a time when a quorum can be present.
Duties of NTC Chair
- Appointment of standing and ad-hoc committees and their members. The Chair may either appoint the committee chair or allow the committee members to elect their own chair.
- Coordinate work by and between committees as appropriate.
- Coordinate NTC operations, directions and communications with USAC Technical Director and USAC staff.
- Act as the primary NTC spokesperson for all communications outside of the NTC, including but not limited to USAC Staff. The Vice-Chair, or other designated NTC members, may take this role when directed by the Chair.
- Organize the operation of the NTC to ensure that the accepted projects, duties, and tasks of the NTC and its committees are completed in a timely manner.
- Manage the annual meeting and agenda of the NTC in coordination with the USAC Technical Director.
- Manage the next elections of the NTC.
Duties of NTC Vice Chair
- Assist the Chair, as requested, in the execution of his/her duties.
- Act as the Chair in the absence, or during the disability, of the Chair or other inability of the Chair to perform his/her duties.
Adoption, Review, and Revision of NTC Rules & Procedures
- The adoption, and any revision, of these Rules and Procedures must be approved by at least a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the NTC members. This is an exception to 2.c. above.
- These Rules and Procedures shall be reviewed by a NTC committee on at least an annual basis to determine whether these Rules and Procedures need to be revised in whole or part to further the goals or improve the efficiency of the NTC.
The basic categories for officials in road and track are level C, level B, level A, national commissaire, and international commissaire. The categories for mountain bike and BMX are similar, but without the level B. There are requirements for advancement to each rank, and these are explained in the manuals and through links on the officials page. Upgrading requires a combination of time since last upgrade, number of races and positions officiating, attendance at an upgrading seminar, and performance on an upgrading exam. For road upgrades to B, there are a series of modules to take.
In addition to the basic categories, there are also some specialties, such as motorcycle refereeing (motoref), track starter, and race secretary. These specialties are taught in periodic seminars.
Commercial General Liability Policy (CGL)
- $1 million each occurrence
- $3 million per event aggregate
- $10 million policy aggregate
- While working the event in the capacity of an official, you are a named insured on this policy.
- This provides excess liability coverage on top of the Commercial General Liability Policy.
- $4 million each occurrence
- $4 million policy aggregate
- While working the event in the capacity of an official, you are a named insured on this policy.
- $1 million each claim
- $1 million policy aggregate
- This policy excludes professional liability bodily injury/property damage claims covered by the Commercial General Liability Policy (the CGL is the main policy while this policy is supplemental).
- While working the event in the capacity of an official, you are an inusred on this policy.
- $25,000 maximum medical expense
- $1,000 accidental death and dismemberment
- $500 maximum benefit for dental expenses, orthopedic appliances expenses, Outpatient physical therapy expenses, and transportation.
- This policy is excess coverage, meaning that if you have primary health insurance, that would pay first before this policy goes into effect.
- If you have primary health insurance, there is a matching deductible per accident ($1,000 minimum, $5,000 maximum).
- If you do not have primary health insurance, there is a deductible of $5,000 per accident.
- This policy does have exclusions, and does not cover loss cause by or resulting from:
- An official who is in, entering, or exiting any aircraft owned, operated, or leased by USA Cycling.
- An official who is acting or training as an aircraft pilot or crew member.
- Emotional trauma, mental or physical illness, disease, pregnancy, childbirth or miscarriage, bacterial or viral infection, or bodily malfunctions.
- Suicide, attempted suicide, or self-inflicted injuries.
- Declared or undeclared war.
- This policy is OPTIONAL, and it is the event Race Director's responsibility to purchase this policy.
- If this insurance is not purchased, or the purchase is declined, then the automobile(s) and motorcycle(s) used in the event (if any) will not receive insurance coverage through USA Cycling.
- If this insurance is purchased by the Race Director, then only the automobile(s) and motorcycle(s) listed on the application will receive insurance coverage. If you will be using your automobile(s) and/or motorcycle(s), and want this insurance to cover them, work with the Race Director to ensure that they are listed on the application.
- All drivers must apply for, and pass, a motor vehicle record (MVR) background check to be eligible for coverage. If you are licensed as a USA Cycling Motoref, you will have already completed this step as part of your Motoref license approval process.
- $1 million of liability coverage
- This policy is excess coverage, meaning that the automobiles(s) and motorcycle(s) must have primary insurance, that would pay first before this policy goes into effect (it is recommended that the primary insurance coverage has liability limits of $300,000 or greater).
- This policy only covers automobile(s) and motorcycle(s) driven during the race on the race course.
- An automobile may carry a maximum of 8 persons or the number of seat belts in the vehicle, whichever is less.
Policy Summary Disclosures
The above information only summarizes the policies and is just an overview. Coverage is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy(ies). Should a discrepency occur between this synopsis of coverage and the actual terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy(ies), the policy(ies) terms, conditions and exclusion will prevail.
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This Article Updated March 18, 2013 @ 08:33 PM For more information contact: