LA Call Minutes- 10.26.16
LA call- Wednesday, October 26, 2016
- Stefanie Larson- Events - USAC
- Thank you for joining us on our call today. We’re going to start off with Micah Rice for a National Events update.
- Micah Rice- National Events- USAC
- Upcoming National Championships:
- I’ll give you a long term look at some of the National Championship venues. I finished a round of RFPs and had 2 events that were up for bid.
- Amateur Road Championships for 2018/2019 is up for bid. We are down to two finalists- San Diego CA and Hagerstown, MD. We’ll be doing site visits next month.
- CX National Championships for 2019/2020. We have it down to 5 finalists.
- San Diego, Tacoma, Bend, Ogden, and Louisville KY. I was in Tacoma last week and will be going to San Diego next week. I already visited Bend, Ogden, and Louisville.
- We hope to make decisions on both of those events by the end of the year. Our plan is to get contracts in place first then make the announcements.
- Questions or comments? Feel free to e-mail me regarding National Championship events or calendars-
- Upcoming National Championships:
- Jeffrey Hansen- Membership – USAC
- Memberships:
- I’d like to give an update/timeline on memberships. You will see more from us before the next call. We are not changing the price of the standard membership ($70 plus race clean surcharge).
- We’re launching a beta of a new membership sales platform. The target is mid-month for a soft launch. I will send the beta out to a few people to do some field testing. These won’t be huge changes, just some minor ones.
- The website will still stay the same. The account management will be the same. It’s just the purchase platform will be different.
- Membership changes for 2017- I am hoping to get the full fee list out soon. There are no significant changes except for the new tiers to ride and race.
- Memberships:
- Gina Kavesh- WSBA
- Are you changing the platform that manages the BAR tool?
- Jeffrey Hansen – Membership - USAC
- For all changes for the full new website, we’re shooting for March of 2017, which would include the BAR tool functionality.
- Gina Kavesh- WSBA
- How do we accommodate this change that we’re bringing on during the season?
- Jeffrey Hansen – Membership - USAC
- A big part of this is data migration so that everything in our current system will carry over.
- 1.5 is adding race to the membership platform and phase 2 is the full blown new system. The current target is March, but will have a better ETA once we get over this next hump.
- Gina Kavesh- WSBA
- Are the direct LA memberships through USAC apart of 1.5?
- Jeffrey Hansen – Membership – USAC
- We are going to be able to accommodate LA memberships. You’re going to be one of those key groups we’re going to have help us look at those memberships later in the month.
- Randy Legeai- LAMBRA
- Will there be changes to the dates for when clubs can renew?
- Jeffrey Hansen – Membership - USAC
- Club renewal will be November 1st and everything else will be December 1st
- Questions? Contact
- Chuck Hodge – Technical – USAC
- Official’s clothing:
- We will be getting new information on official’s clothing out shortly. We have Sport Committee meetings starting Sunday and will be talking about rules and regulations.
- Questions? Contact
- Official’s clothing:
- Jon Whiteman – RaceClean – USAC
- RaceClean events:
- Thank you to everyone who chimed in last month for additional suggestion for RaceClean events. There are 1-2 people who I still have to connect with.
- Thank you to those of you who sent in suggestions for 2017.
- If any of you have any more 2017 suggestions as you put your calendars together, please let me know.
- Questions? Contact
- RaceClean events:
- Stefanie Larson – Events – USAC
- Permitting process for 2017 events:
- We have been receiving requests from race directors that would like to get started on their permit now for 2017. We will allow them to start as long as they know they must pay 2017 insurance prices as well as sign the 2017 contract.
- Many of you know our insurance does not get finalized until the end of November. If we receive an approval sooner, we will let all of you know as soon as that happens.
- For race directors that would like to permit their 2017 event in our system now, please let them know we can approve their permits, but their event will be pended until insurance and pricing is finalized. Again, they must pay 2017 insurance surcharge prices.
- If any of you have events that would like to submit a permit early, go ahead and let them, then approve the permit and our ESCs will pend them in our system. This will at least allow the events to be listed on our calendar.
- Permitting process for 2017 events:
- Randy Legeai - LAMBRA
- Should we expect a price increase?
- Joan Hanscom – Events - USAC
- Todd hasn’t given us the final numbers yet so it’s hard to say, but we don’t expect any major changes. There may be some tweaking between the levels.
- Randy Legeai - LAMBRA
- Where are you at with finalizing the permitting program and permitting costs?
- Joan Hanscom – Events - USAC
- We don’t anticipate many changes except for the top tiers. The current thinking is all D, E, F, and G events will stay the same. There may be some tweaking to the structure of the A, B, and C events pending final budget decisions.
- Questions? Contact
- Stefanie Larson – Events – USAC
- Medals for 2017:
- Usually every year we take orders in January for an April delivery date.
- How many LAs are still okay with that timeline versus how many LAs will need medals to get them through January- April?
- Medals for 2017:
- Randy Legeai – LAMBRA
- We have enough.
- Stefanie Larson – Events – USAC
- If you are in need of medals for that first quarter, e-mail me so we can send you enough to get you through those 4 months. Contact –
- We will proceed as usual.
- Q3 LA rebates:
- All of you should have received an e-mail from me yesterday with a breakdown of your membership and racer day counts. If you did not receive an e-mail please contact me. There are still a couple of you out there that need to get in your documents before I can send payment.
- Symposium agenda:
- We are in the process of planning for the Symposium in February. Tentative dates are February 8-12th with the LA specific days on the 9th and 10th which is that Thursday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday will be time for officials. And the 8th and 9th we plan to dedicated to race directors and teams.
- We want to bring all of you into the conversation early to help create a valuable agenda. We need feedback from all of you to help put together topics that you actually would like to discuss.
- On last week’s call a couple of you mentioned you would like to discuss best practices and solutions. Another mentioned discussing the biggest problems we have as LAs and what USAC can do to help solve them.
- What are some examples of the issues LAs face?
- Gina Kavesh – WSBA
- It would be useful for me to see what others are doing locally to reach out to their population. I would like to see what other LAs have found to be successful models.
- Stefanie Larson – Events – USAC
- Who are some guest speakers you would like to see and what are examples of types of guest speakers you hope to hear from?
- How have USAC 2016 changes affected each LA?
- What do all of you want to see for 2017?
- Any other topics?
- I will send these questions via e-mail so all of you have time to think about them and respond.
- We will take this feedback to create a meaningful agenda. We’ll be asking for feedback throughout the process.
- Joan Hanscom – Events - USAC
- CX state championships:
- How many of you have CX state championships this year?
- CX state championships are coming up and we would love it if you have a CX State Championship or Regional Championship you would like to feature. I invite you to send me a short blurb with the pertinent details of your championship. We probably can’t feature everyone, but we’re hoping to target our membership. If you have special items you would like to highlight or if you want to try to integrate this as a promotion for your championships, please let me know.
- We would like to get some enthusiasm going in advance of upcoming National Championships
- If you can get this to me by the end of the week, we’ll try to get that scheduled with our Marketing team. The sooner the better.
- Thank you.
- CX state championships:
This Article Updated November 2, 2016 @ 02:35 AM For more information contact: