LA Call Minutes- 6.22.16
LA Call
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
- Kelly Reyes- Membership update
- Ride 2.0
- We’re going live with a slightly updated Ride 2.0 product
- You should be able to see the new Ride membership
- New look and feel for new preview
- New product live for sale
- Added road side assistance for bikes
- If you get a flat it works just like AAA
- Someone will come pick you up and/or help fix your tire
- We’re going live with a slightly updated Ride 2.0 product
- Ride 2.0
- Chuck Hodge- Technical update
- Starting to look at regulations for 2017
- If you have any suggested rule changes, modifications, deletions etc.. please feel free to send those my way.
- Procedure
- Receive from members and staff
- I’ll review changes
- Receive sport committee approval
- Look over changes with staff
- Receive board approval
- Changes go into effect
- If you have a suggested change please put it in a form I can easily digest. A word document works well.
- Looking to get these finalized in August or September
- Taking a hard look at our upgrade policies
- If it takes 3 asterisks to explain an upgrade rule, we should probably change it
- Looking to come out with a document that’s clear for our members
- I’m looking for feedback
- I receive a lot complaints about sand baggers
- We don’t have a tool for it currently, but we want to fix it for the future
- How are you handling these in your LA? Please e-mail feedback.
- Starting to look at regulations for 2017
- Harvey Elliot- MBRA
- One thing we have for officials is a long standing policy where you have to apprentice 3 races before you get paid
- One of our RDs has an issue with the rule
- If other LAs have some guidance on that please let me know as well
- We’re looking to offer an exception
- One thing we have for officials is a long standing policy where you have to apprentice 3 races before you get paid
- Chuck Hodge-
- I was copied on an e-mail and I will reach out
- 3 races is a bit much although we encourage the apprentice program
- I am working on B level. C level will come this fall.
- Our goal next year will to be create a robust training program where people don’t have to apprentice
- Will shift towards more real world scenarios
- Bonnie Walker- TXBRA
- Are the new officials upset or just the RD?
- Harvey Elliot- MBRA
- The RD wants to form his own officials crew so it’s an awkward situation
- He’s a timing company
- Bonnie Walker- TXBRA
- Is his complaint that it’s taking too long to become certified?
- Harvey Elliot- MBRA
- No one has actually started the process
- Chuck Hodge-
- You shouldn’t change the rule just for one RD
- If it’s working and you have enough officials you should be good
- As long as you aren’t dragging them out for a hard day of work and abusing their help
- Bonnie Walker- TXBRA
- While our officials are not expecting the RD to cover their fees for the races they apprentice, we as an LA give them something
- They’re receive lunch and mileage just to get them to come out
- Judy Rhyne- CCA
- One of the things we have historically done since we expect them to apprentice one race (some on their own decide they want to apprentice 2-3 more, but that’s their choice) our LA compensates them either with mileage or a hotel room. It’s tailored to the individual official. We make it their choice on how we can help.
- John Whiteman- RaceClean update
- New RaceClean logo
- We have an extension to go with our new USAC logo
- Thank you for putting the new USAC logo on your websites
- You can expect the new extension today or tomorrow
- Please make sure it’s linked back to the RaceClean page
- I will send out guidelines along with the RaceClean logo
- I will give another RaceClean update
- If anyone is specifically interested in testing through the rest of the year please let me know
- I received positive feedback about testing in the field as well as not so positive feedback
- How are racers feeling about the races that USADA attended? How did testing go?
- We will be meeting with USADA to better our practices and I want some input from the field.
- New RaceClean logo
- Bonnie Walker- TXBRA
- Riders love it. They are very happy to see a cat 4 women get tested
- Everyone I’ve worked with from USADA has been great
- One little advice is to make sure the chaperones are available. I’m not sure if the organizer or USADA needs to improve on that.
- John Whiteman- RaceClean update
- Sometimes this can be a matter of timing
- The RDs may not get enough time to make sure the chaperones are available
- Bonnie Walker- TXBRA
- They eventually showed up, but in the beginning we had to wait.
- Jared – FBRA
- We encourage the riders who test negative to post about their experience
- To show “Hey, I’m racing clean and doing everything right”.
- We want to see more of those Facebook posts
- Joan Hanscom- Symposium update
- This is a follow up on the e-mail regarding the Symposium date change
- It’s largely a reaction to the IT roll out of the new system
- We moved the Symposium to February 2017 with the hopes that the new system will be fully implemented by then so we can demo and test together
- We are looking at February 7th – 12th and will get you those details as soon possible
- Hotel information should all be the same as we explained to you previously
- We apologize for the change, but we want to make your valuable time useful
- Stefanie Larson-
- Erin Hawley no longer works at USA Cycling as of last Wednesday. We wish her all the best. I will be stepping in and covering for her region. I already spoke with all of you in the western region, but if anyone else has any questions, please feel free to contact me.
- Outstanding paperwork
- I’d like to remind everyone to turn in all their LA paperwork. This includes:
- W-9
- Proof of Insurance
- 2016 LA agreement
- To publish your 2015 Financials and 990 on your websites
- We want to pay your rebates, but need these documents first
- I’d like to remind everyone to turn in all their LA paperwork. This includes:
- Racer Day Rebate
- I’ve been receiving questions on how racer days are counted during each quarter
- Racer days are only counted after a permit has been fully closed in our system
- Just because the end date on an event has passed doesn’t necessarily mean those racer days will be counted
- We rely on the post event reporting to receive the participant count
- Once a permit is fully complete in our system that triggers the count to show up on my report for the quarter
- For example, if a permit has multiple dates listed for the whole series, all of those racer days for each race won’t count until after that last date and after the permit is closed
- LA tool kit marketing pieces
- On our last call we promised some marketing help. Since then we’ve been working internally to produce some co-branding materials.
- So far we have 3 pieces being produced:
- 1st piece we have for you today is a member piece. We will send everyone the draft after the call. When you receive it please note we will be changing the boarders a bit. Once we finalize this design, we will use the same look and feel for the other pieces. Any feedback is welcome.
- This piece will describe the reasons to become a member
- We left space for your LA to add your benefits
- 2nd piece is for race directors
- This will help explain the benefits of permitting
- 3rd piece will be a poster
- This will be space that can be used for whatever you wish. This is more of a free template.
- 1st piece we have for you today is a member piece. We will send everyone the draft after the call. When you receive it please note we will be changing the boarders a bit. Once we finalize this design, we will use the same look and feel for the other pieces. Any feedback is welcome.
- What else would all of you like to see and would like us to work on next?
- Website issues
- As some of you have noticed we’ve been experiencing some IT difficulties after our Ride 2.0 launch last week. We want to follow up with everyone to see if everything is in working condition.
- Are there any outstanding issues that need to be fixed?
This Article Updated July 14, 2016 @ 07:48 PM For more information contact: