Beginning Racer Program
What is the USA Cycling Beginning Racer Program?
The USA Cycling Beginning Racer Program (BRP) is designed to provide new racers with an enjoyable and educational experience as they learn to race their bike. The objective of the BRP is to inspire and educate new riders, thus leading to safer more enjoyable racing experiences.
The BRP is modeled off of the highly successful Northern California Early Bird Racing Series. Established approximately 30 years ago, the Early Bird Racing Series serves over 1,000 racers annually and is the culmination of many years of hard work from USA Cycling Coaches Larry Nolan, Laurel Green, Matt McNamara, John Cheetham, and Dan Smith.
Beginning Racer Program Structure
The BRP is broken down into five separate clinics, with each clinic holding a unique and progressive curriculum. Each clinic is comprised of three components; 1) on-bike instructional clinic; 2) mentored race; and 3) race debrief.
The five components of the curriculum are:
- Basic Pack Skills - Protecting Your Front Wheel
- Cornering – Choosing and Holding Your Line
- Pack Awareness & Skills
- Sprinting Basics
- Bringing it All Together
Why Hold or Attend a USA Cycling Beginning Racer Program?
Almost everyone at some point in their life has learned to ride a bike, but very few have learned or been taught how to race their bike.
For new racers, the USA Cycling BRP is a great way to learn the skills and dynamics of bike racing in a safe and unintimidating environment. Whether you are a young junior rider or a master’s athlete, the BRP will guide you step by step through how to race without the pressure of a competitive environment.
For Race Promoters, the USA Cycling BRP is ideal for teaching upcoming racers how to race safely, have fun learning to race, as well as, build the skills and confidence necessary to have them continue to race.
View the BRP Webinar conducted by USA Cycling's Director or Coaching Education HERE
Starting a USA Cycling Beginning Racer Program
There are a variety of ways to launch a BRP in your area:
- Work with a USA Event Services Manager who can guide you through the steps
Stuart Lamp | 719-209-8211 | Eastern Region |
Don Losole | 210-722-9384 | Central Region |
Larry Martin | 719-434-4210 | Midwest Region |
Stefanie Larson | 719-434-4217 | West Region |
- Work directly with a local Race Promoter
- Create your own independent BRP
Locating a USA Cycling Beginning Racer Program
To find a BRP in your Region, check this list.
USA Cycling Beginning Racer Program Manual
All parties looking to hold a BRP MUST meet the requirements outlined in the MANUAL.
Upgrade Points
USA Cycling rules state a Cat 5 cyclist may upgrade to Cat 4 by acquiring ten (10) points. These points can be achieved by finishing 10 mass start races, or 5 USA Cycling approved Beginning Racer Program (BRP) clinics, or a combination of both. Mass start races count as one (1) point each and USA Cycling approved Beginning Racer Program clinics count as two (2) points each clinic. Women cat 4 cyclists are authorized to apply up to ten (10) points from the Beginning Racer Program clinics towards cat 3 upgrades.
In order to receive the full two (2) points from a USA Cycling BRP clinic, the rider must take part in all three (3) components of the BRP clinic; 1) on-bike instruction/clinic; 2) race; 3) race debrief (no partial points will be awarded for only attending one of the three components of the BRP)
Concussion ManagementThis Article Updated February 23, 2018 @ 10:32 PM For more information contact: