2016 USA Cycling Collegiate Road Housing
We have worked with Mars Hill University to offer housing during Collegiate Road National Championship. Located between the event's two host towns (Marshall and Burnsville), Mars Hill is a convenient place to stay and also the location of Saturday's awards banquet. Housing will be in the Bailey Mountain Residential Apartments, one of the most modern residence halls on campus, reserved for upperclass students. There will be four (4) individuals to a suite apartment (four (4) bedrooms, (two) 2 baths) which includes a living room and a full kitchen. You may reserve rooms as an individual or a group.
Price will be $24.50 per person per night, which includes breakfast in the cafeteria. Housing is available from Wednesday, May 11 to Monday, May 16.
To make reservations, call MHU's Conferences and Event's office at 828-689-1167. If no one is a available, please leave a message with phone number and your call will be returned. Rooms will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. Full payment is due when making the reservation and is fully refundable until May 1, 2016.
No linens or toiletries are provided so please arrange to bring your own.
More info on Bailey Mountain Residential Apartments can be found here: http://www.mhu.edu/residential-living/residence-halls/bailey-mountain-residential-apartments
We have also secured the Comfort Inn of Mars Hill. The rates on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday would be $98.99 plus tax while Friday and Saturday would be $119.99. All rooms have a mini fridge, microwave, and wifi. Room rates include a free hot breakfast.
When making reservations please identify yourself as with USA Cycling.
More info on the Comfort Inn of Mars Hill can be found here: http://www.comfortinnmarshill.com/
Nu-Wray Inn in Burnsville is also a convenient location. The oldest inn in Western, NC and one that boast that Elvis was a customer. www.nuwrayinn.com.
Price will be $24.50 per person per night, which includes breakfast in the cafeteria. Housing is available from Wednesday, May 11 to Monday, May 16.
To make reservations, call MHU's Conferences and Event's office at 828-689-1167. If no one is a available, please leave a message with phone number and your call will be returned. Rooms will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. Full payment is due when making the reservation and is fully refundable until May 1, 2016.
No linens or toiletries are provided so please arrange to bring your own.
More info on Bailey Mountain Residential Apartments can be found here: http://www.mhu.edu/residential-living/residence-halls/bailey-mountain-residential-apartments
We have also secured the Comfort Inn of Mars Hill. The rates on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday would be $98.99 plus tax while Friday and Saturday would be $119.99. All rooms have a mini fridge, microwave, and wifi. Room rates include a free hot breakfast.
When making reservations please identify yourself as with USA Cycling.
More info on the Comfort Inn of Mars Hill can be found here: http://www.comfortinnmarshill.com/
Nu-Wray Inn in Burnsville is also a convenient location. The oldest inn in Western, NC and one that boast that Elvis was a customer. www.nuwrayinn.com.
This Article Updated April 18, 2016 @ 10:28 PM For more information contact: